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A true 8-voice analog polyphonic with KP580BM80A based controller, 16 digitally synced analog oscillators, 8 MOOG-like discrete ladder filters, 1 SAW_UP/SAW_DOWN/TRIANG/SQUARE LFO, 1 noise source, 256 memory presets in four banks (192 ROM, 64 RAM), sequencer and UP/DOWN/UP_AND_DOWN arpeggiator. Four AA type batteries are used for memory back_up. Modulation of pitch, VCA, VCF and waveform is possible. Polyphonic and monophonic modes are provided. 

Monophonic mode is quite complex and unusual. Some of these sounds resemble ready chords sampled and played back at a different pitch. Monophonic portamento may be used in auto and antiauto modes (in terms of Roland SH101). Polyphonic portamento action sounds a little bit similar to JUPITER 8. The weight of this device is about 17-18 kilograms. Designed approx. 1985, assembled in CCCP Latvia.

It has two powerful features. The first one is that the waveform of each of the oscillators is programmable, i.e. rise time, pulse width and fall time (per cycle) can be adjusted . In other words if you, say, set the maximal rise time, pulse width to zero and fall time to zero too, you will get a nice SAW, if the rise time is equal to the fall time and the pulse width is zero, this will be a good TRIANGLE. If the former two are zeros and the latter (I mean pulse width) is somewhere between MIN and MAX the signal waveform will be PULSE. If the parameter settings are not so extreme and some modulation is applied this will be a ...e-eeh..uu-uhm.. Variable Geometry Waveform

Another one (powerful feature) is a 6-parameter VCF EG . Three knobs are levels and the rest three are durations. This is something like ADSR with a phase reverse switch, but these levels can be set without any limitations. During the attack phase the control voltage varies from LEVEL 3 to LEVEL 1, then from LEVEL 1 to LEVEL 2 (decay-like) and then from LEVEL 2 to LEVEL 3 (release). Mention should be made that LEVEL 1 can be lower than LEVEL 3 meanwhile LEVEL 2 can be higher than LEVEL 3! 

Filter is 24dB/Oct lowpass transistor ladder type built of discrete transistors and KP198HT1 transistor array chips (CA3046-friendly, not pin to pin compatible according to reference book). Filter cutoff frequency is defined by EG, control pedal, pitch bend wheel (a bit like in JUPITERS), LFO and keyboard. Keyboard tracking is OFF or FULL . 
VCA EG is a 5 parameter ADSR - like conditional only (in terms of memorymoog). MIDI was not installed in early versions, although the circuit board layout includes all connections for the UART, optocoupler etc.
Engine TypeAnalog
Voices (max)8
LFO1 Square
Engine Detailed2 DCO, Saw Down, Saw Up, Square, Triangle, White Noise
Filter (VCF)1 24dB Slope (4-pole), Low Pass, Resonance
Envelope (VCA)1 Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release, Level 1, Rate 2, Level 2
Memory192 ROM, 64 RAM.
Key typeKeys
Produced:1985 - 1985
Legend: Obvious Y: Yes, N: No, N/A: Not Applicable
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator DCO Digital Controlled Oscillator
LFO Low Frequency Oscillator Sub Sub Oscillator
VCF Voltage Controlled Filter VCA Voltage Controlled Amplifier
Velocity As with a piano, the harder you hit a key, the louder the sound, unlike most organs which always produce the same loudness no matter how hard you hit a key. Aftertouch Pressing a key after you activated it. Channel Aftertouch, no matter which key, it will send a Channel message. Poly Aftertouch, sends the pressure per key instead of the whole channel.
Values for OSC, LFO, Filter, Envelope are per voice unless stated otherwise.

Manuals, patches etc.


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