Description | The analog Matrix 1000 is essentially 1,000 Matrix 6 patches in a single-space compact rackmount MIDI module. It has the same synth architecture as the Matrix 6. Each of its 6 voices have two DCO's (digitally controlled analog oscillator), a low pass filter, 2 VCA's, 3 envelope gens, 2 LFO's, and 2 ramp gens. The sounds are plentiful and good enough, however sounds can only be edited via MIDI, so you'll need an external MIDI editor (such as MOTU's Unisyn) or Access' Matrix Programmer or Matrix-6 to edit parameters. You can also load sounds from the Matrix 6 via SysEx or software.
The Matrix 1000 provides an excellent source of pads, textures and ambient sounds. It has 195 "keyboard" sounds, 118 "strings", 130 "woodwinds & perc", 239 "synthesizer", 119 "bass", 74 "lead" and 125 "effects". For the price, there is no better way to find genuine analog Oberheim Matrix sounds in a compact and very in-expensive rack module that is loaded with more sounds than you'll ever need! The older versions of the Matrix 1000 have a black front-panel. The newer models in the '90's have a cream colored face-plate.
The Matrix-1000 introduces Group Mode, a new feature which allows up to 16 Matrix-1000s to be played together as a single instrument The Matrix-1000 has a complete MIDI implementation, including Patch loading/Patch saving via MIDI System Exclusive. And al of this is packaged in a 1 -rack space unit, an ideal addition to any Instrument system.